Dialogue Meetings - Kahramanmaras: Concerns of women politicians need to be eliminated.

Dialogue Meetings - Kahramanmaras: Concerns of women politicians need to be eliminated.

16 March 2022
Grassroots - 3K

With the support of Canada Government, we were in field trip to Kahramanmaraş to start up dialogue meetings with women NGO’s ,political parties and local media. Located in the south of Turkey, with a population of 1.4 K, has been regarded as one of the most conservative cities of Turkey. With  a vote of 76% , AKP is the leading party of the city for the past 20 years. With 7 PM s in the Parliament, AKP at the same time is the only party that endorses women candidates. Currently there are only 1 women MP  in the Parliament  from KMaraş. We were welcomed by CHP,Deva Party, Memleket Party and İyi Party officials.  CHP, is another political party with 1 seat in the Parliement. CHP, never had a women MP from Kahramanmaraş. The city also never experienced women mayor, or a women municipal.

Women NGO’s have a long history in Kahramanmaraş. Brave Womens’ Cooperation, Turkish Women Association, City Council, Kadem were among the civil womens organisations that shared their concerns on womens’ participation in both local and national politics.

Ben Secerim team discussed the possibilities to start networking sessions between women to find out solutions for more participation of women in decision making positions.


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