We need politics and politicians who think for an equal, free and fair order.

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    24 May 2024

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Agenda Updates

#50PercentWomen Campaign

Half of Turkey’s population is women. In the local elections, we want a #50PercentWomen Mayor.
#50PercentWomen Campaign


The Woman of “I Choose”

“I Choose” advocates representation of women in politics for the construction of an egalitarian, free and just social order. In this context, “I Choose” will endorse and support women who will be committed to the following five basic commitments:

  • Adhering to the principle of equality, regardless of religion, language, sect and race, especially gender inequality and internalized these principles in her life,
  • Espousing political ethics,
  • Acknowledging that negotiation and reconciliation, not conflict, are the keys to transformation,
  • Aware of her responsibilities to her voters and the public, and prioritizing democratization of the country,
  • Aware of the necessity of new, pluralistic politics.


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Overall Turkey Women's Representation

You can see the represantation info for each city by clicking on the city on the map.

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