Welcome to Ben Seçerim (I Choose) Association and thank you for joining the Ben Seçerim Volunteers Team.

We started the I Choose Volunteers Program in order to get the support of volunteer people, to get strenghtened together and to improve our experiences with various perspectives while carrying out our work in line with the founding manifest of the Association. As part of this team, let’s decide together in which areas you can contribute to our work. The priority areas where we need volunteers are below; please see the list and you choose your area(s).

For increased participation of women in politics and equal representation;

  • Research, literature review, agendum.
  • Developing projects.
  • Planning, organizing and reporting the field studies.
  • Organization of the trainings.
  • Communication campaigns, developing content for the website and social media accounts.
  • Translation, interpretation.
  • Other.

You can be a volunteer in one or more of these areas, based on your interests, skills, and experience. We believe that we can move forward with collective work, and a culture of solidarity. Our office is open in weekdays. Volunteers are welcome.

We hope to see you as a Ben Seçerim Volunteer soon.


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Everyone can play a role for equal representation. Become an “I Choose Volunteer”!

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