Interviews with the Political Parties

Interviews with the Political Parties

02 March 2022
Grassroots - 3K

Ben Seçerim Association’s “3K” Project, funded by the Canadian Government, organized many visits to political parties since the beginning of the project. Deva Party’s leader Ali Babacan and vice chairperson Hasan Karal are visited at the party center in Ankara. Party leaders are briefed about the field activities in 3 cities (Kahramanmaraş, Kırklareli, Kars) in which women’s political representation is zero. At those interviews, the necessity behind the public opinion poll to be conducted throughout Turkey, as a part of the Project, with Konda (research firm), is discussed. Again with the same agenda, the Headquarters of the Workers' Party of Turkey was visited in Istanbul and its leader Erkan Baş and 27th Term Deputy Sera Kadıgil were interviewed.


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